#double stripes is the new double denim
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linilunilumi · 1 year ago
Schloss Einstein Staffel 26 Rewatch pt. VI
Folge 1037 & 1038
Kino-date aftermath: Wie lange hat Noah wohl in dem dunklen Keller gehockt und auf Colin gewartet? Saß er da stundenlang? Oder wusste er, dass Colin gleich seine Wäsche machen möchte? Teilen die beiden schon ihre Haushaltspläne miteinander? they're married actually Der ganze Aufwand, nur um dann direkt wieder zu flüchten...
"Wir dürfen nur Filme von Leuten benutzen, die seit 70 Jahren tot sind." Ja und Schloss Einstein darf auch nur noch dieselben drei "Songs" als Hintergrundmusik benutzen und deshalb muss ich schon wieder diese blöde Barockmusik von Gustav in der Szene hören!!? Den Film will ich gerne mal sehen, von dem das der Soundtrack sein soll... aber egal, supportive boyfriend noah schleicht sich aus dem zimmer um einen besseren film zu drehen Und was macht eigentlich dieser verdächtig aussehende Post-it auf dem Schreibtisch von Noah, Colin und Joel?
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Wie erschrecken sich Leute durch [X] I love ??? Ergibt nicht viel Sinn, aber ich kenne da durchaus jemanden, der vor einem „I love you“ panische Angst hätte. Und ganz zufällig wohnt er in diesem Zimmer. Zufall oder Absicht?
"Wovor läuft die Hauptfigur wirklich weg?" - "Vor ihren Gefühlen." that's it, that's the tweet
Colins wahre Liebe ist btw nicht Noah, sondern gestreifte Hosen! (oder Streifen generell)
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haltet mich bitte davon ab, jemals Colin nochmal in solch einer hose zu zeichnen. es war ein albtraum lmao
Anyways, der walk aus dem Bild links ist allein wegen deren Grimassen schon ziemlich funny, aber es wird noch besser: die Vier spurten förmlich zum ShareSpace, währenddessen läuft Noah ihnen ganz entspannt hinterher und als er dann auch verzögert mal dort ankommt, dreht er sich zur Seite und spricht - an Joel vorbei - direkt zu Colin: "Hey, ich hab' meinen Schlüssel vergessen. Kann ich deinen haben?" Nicht etwa "Kann ich einen von euren Schlüsseln haben?", nein. Es muss Colins sein lsfjslejls
Dieser Karatekampf bringt aber noch immer Aggressionen in mir auf, obwohl der an sich wirklich komplett unwichtig ist im weiteren Verlauf der Staffel. Wieso tut Io so, als würde Joyce in Lebensgefahr schweben? Wieso verliert Noah gegen eine Augen-verbundene-Joyce? Und als ob sich Joel den Kampf, von dem in seinen Augen sein gesamter Erfolg abhängen müsste, entgehen lässt? Um mit Annika einen Film zu gucken??? Jedenfalls bin ich sehr froh, dass uns eine Annika x Joel lovestory hoffentlich erspart bleibt. Mich würde nur interessieren, ob die Szene als eine Art Köder eingesetzt wurde, um zu sehen, ob die Zuschauer*innen auf das shipping anspringen oder nicht? die antwort war obviously nein zumindest haben wir dadurch die wohl witzigste szene aller zeiten bekommen, in der casper den nesrika kuchen symbolisch teilt pahah
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fruitcoops · 4 months ago
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Day 5, ft. our black-cat lucid-dreaming king. Characters belong to @lumosinlove (sorry not sorry for what I did to your favorite boy) and header belongs to @noots-fic-fests!
Yesterday's movie: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (1966)
TW for mentioned movie-murder (nobody actually dies)
Regulus spared the glass double-doors hardly a glance before wrinkling his nose. It was hot out, sticky and steamy, and the direct sun pummeling the entire courtyard reeked of early September. Busy chatter ran rampant around him between flashes of color and blurry faces.
“I’m dead,” Regulus said decisively.
Next to him, Leo rolled his eyes and caught his tennis ball on the downswing. “You haven’t even been to first period.”
“This—” Regulus gestured at the main building, blindingly bright and stuffier than any high school had the right to be. “This is hell. Ergo, dead.”
“Tell me again in pre-calc and I’ll believe you.”
“You tested out of pre-calc,” Regulus reminded him, laying back on the hood of Leo’s car. The blue paint was unspecific and unassuming, almost black in certain lights. “And that’s an ugly sweater you’d never wear.”
Grey cotton switched to thick stripes by the time he looked at Leo next; the stupid silver chain remained around his neck. Leo frowned down at himself. “I like this sweater.”
“Hmm.” The characters didn’t tend to care whether Regulus interacted with them much or not. The plot plodded on until he shook himself awake or the blare of an alarm did it for him. It rarely came to a conclusive end.
“Natalie got a phone call last night from some weirdo on the landline,” Leo continued, tossing his ball back up in the air. “They were talking about…I dunno, I think he was asking her questions? Sounded like a guy, anyway.”
“Kasey’s going over tonight with Finn’s brother to keep her company.”
Regulus stretched his back against the windshield and looked to the vast sky. No matter how far he tilted his head back, the old tin roof was always visible. It was a mutated version of his memories—he hadn’t tried very hard to remember what it looked like from the outside. Sirius had excelled there. Every professor remembered his name.
A thread on his baggy jeans was coming loose. If he allowed the dream to progress, Leo would no doubt call him later to inform him, distraught, that Kasey and Finn’s brother (whose name slipped Regulus’ mind constantly) and probably Natalie had died in some explosively gory fashion. It would be distressing despite the fallacy of it all, he’d drag himself awake, and then it would be three o’clock in the morning and he would be sweaty with adrenaline. Regulus had enjoyed the party at Leo’s new house. He’d prefer not to pay the cost of attendance (a rare seasonal hangover) before he absolutely had to.
Denim-on-denim warned him of a new presence before he could actively pick a new story. “O’Hara.”
“Babe, is he bothering you?” Finn’s voice dragged and drawled with California haze. Under his arm, Tremblay narrowed his eyes at Regulus. His bubblegum gave a violent pop.
“Not too bad,” Leo said playfully.
Did Finn even own a denim jacket? God, he probably did. Even Regulus’ imagination couldn’t have pinned something that specific from nothing. Maybe he should just let the rest of this murderous Riverdale-ass nonsense play out in its original form to punish that fashion nightmare.
“Can you wear a hoodie like a normal person?” he yawned. Apparently, he was overtired even in his sleep.
Finn fixed him with a comically disgusted look. “Why are you even here?”
Where the fuck had Regulus picked that accent from? “This is my high school,” he said. “I spent the whole night at your house, can I have some peace and quiet here?”
Logan popped another bubble. His scowl held far too little legitimate danger; if nothing else, that would have tipped Regulus off. The original outright animosity had rested much heavier on him than teenage pouting.
But there—on the steps. “Calisse de crisse,” he muttered, swinging himself down from the hood of Leo’s car.
The courtyard was almost perfect under his feet, as if he was feeling the asphalt through his old loafers. He had hated those goddamn shoes. He came to a sharp halt, right as his shadow fell across lined paper marked with meticulous, infuriating lines.
“Go away.”
Sirius blinked up at him. “Hi.”
“Stop,” Regulus insisted. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“We didn’t go to high school together.” Honestly, it was so embarrassing for his brain to mix it up this badly. Valley-Girl Finn O’Hara was a nightmare in and of itself; the least his imagination could do was keep track of a timeline. “Put your physics away and leave.”
Sirius’ brow creased. “How did you know I was doing homework?”
“Unlucky guess.”
“How did you know it was—"
“Because you’re always doing your fucking physics in my nightmares!” Regulus dragged a hand down his face and gripped the back of his own neck. It felt like nothing, not even air. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face toward the clouds. “Yes, I understand, I hated the classes Sirius excelled in as an extension of my own complex inner world, merci, au revoir.”
When he looked down again, Sirius was gone. Remus Lupin leaned on the railing by the bay windows, looking out over the river. He had a book in one hand and a bloody knife in the other.
Regulus stared at him.
It was Leo when he blinked. A dark robe and everything, and that tennis ball instead of a book. His face got a little fuzzy in profile, but cleared up when he looked at Regulus head-on.
Regulus tipped his head back and forth. “Better.”
He walked with Leo through the never-ending halls. Some were direct rip-offs of his actual high school, down to the navy lockers and their silver buckles. Others had been borrowed: a staircase from elementary school, a music room from Steinhardt, the artificial glow of Sirius’ basement skating rink around a corner. His stomach swooped at the sight of the broken dumbwaiter he and Sirius had used for hide and seek, and he ground his teeth hard.
He had his loafers on. His khakis were tight on his thighs. Leo’s footsteps made no sound.
“I think you’re supposed to be a serial killer,” Regulus noted on their third circuit of the second floor. “With a mask and everything.”
“Oh.” Leo sounded almost disappointed. “I mean, I could?”
“I might just be bad at imagining that.”
“Should’ve stuck with Lupin,” Leo agreed.
“I can go off and find him—”
“Don’t leave me here,” Leo groaned, walking backward for a few floppy steps that made him look more like himself than he had the whole time.
Regulus huffed. “Neither of you pose much of a danger to me.”
“I think we do, in a way.”
The thought was forceful enough to pull Regulus to the surface. He exhaled hard, blinking fast until his left eye decided to get with the program and open properly.
The stove’s electric clock told him it was just past two in the morning. Not bad.
He sighed. His feet, tangled in the fresh sheets Leo had laid out for him, still felt too compressed. That explained the loafers. He could get up for a few minutes; make a snack, take a walk around the still-sparse main floor of the house. He didn’t hear anyone else up yet.
Or he could stay here, burrowed in a quilt that smelled lightly of magnolia. The sheets let his legs free when he stretched, still shaking off the scent of bubblegum and industrial cleaning solution. He was tired. Perhaps a little drunk, enough to dull the oncoming throbbing behind his temple. The sugar rush was long dead.
Regulus tucked his nose down into a butter-yellow square and shut his eyes. Being asleep was an exhausting business. He had too many questions. There was too much to nitpick. Too much psychoanalysis to avoid.
The sheer audacity of Leo to pull some therapy trick in Regulus’ own dream. As if he wouldn’t be aware of it, as if he’d fall into the trap that easily. Regulus muffled a frown in the quilt. If Leo, the real one, was an actual danger to anything but the occasional low doorframe, he wouldn’t be on the foldout in the first place. Really, it was just lazy writing.
Do better, Regulus thought as he shuffled deeper into his cocoon. From the top, this time.
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amelia-friend · 2 years ago
Katherine and Hannah costumes
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Plus a little bit of Brooklyn - but only the actresses who have also played Katherine/Hannah.
Under the cut as it’s long.
Bronté Barbé
The main actress for Katherine, I’ve seen her twice. As she’s the main actress, she doesn’t play any other characters.
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I love the black stripes on her lapel and around the hem of her skirt.
It’s three different shades of blue - skirt and waistcoat front very similar (and seems to be denim? Or at least a chambray sort of thing), and the much darker blue waistcoat back.
She has four “tabs” topstitched onto her skirt - two thin ones at the front which hide a large pocket on each side (for her notebook/pencil etc), plus two much larger ones on the back.
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Unlike the Broadway version, Katherine only has one costume which stays identical except during King of New York where she removes the waistcoat - showing the details of her shirt and her belt (which is completely hidden in her full outfit)
Hair wise, Bronté has soft blonde curls with the very edges barely rolled back. Some photos turn her more strawberry blonde / light ginger but I’m pretty sure she’s “supposed” to be blonde.
Going from hair “down” to hair “up” is one of the most obvious markers of adulthood at this age, and historically happened around age 16 for Katherine’s social standing but that would make Katherine 15 so we’re ignoring that slightly. I’d still say Bronté’s Katherine is at most 16 - she’s the most naive of the three Katherine’s.
Bobbie Chambers
Bobbie’s usual role is Hannah (Pulitzer’s assistant) and she’s alternate/1st understudy for Katherine as well. I’ve seen her play Katherine four times, and Hannah twice, and she is my personal favourite Katherine.
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As you can see, her Katherine outfit shares a lot of commonalities with Bronté’s (skirt, waistcoat, shirt and tie combo - with blue bring her primary colour).
But there are also the obvious differences - her skirt is a subtly patterned - a thin windowpane-type check, with larger vertical stripes running through the centre of the boxes - and she has a large kangaroo style pocket on the centre front of her skirt.
Her hair is definitely ginger, slightly curled and pulled back at the edges - slightly more than Bronté but not even close to centre back. She’s more of trouble maker than Bronté I feel, and is probably 16-17.
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Hannah's costume shares a lot with Katherine - it's the same cut (in a more serious colour), but her hair is "up" now - Hannah is definitely an adult while Katherine still occupies the in between spaces.
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Splint is one of the Brooklyn Newsies, a very different social standing (and judging by the hair - age) to Katherine and Hannah, but there's still the elements of Bobbie's Hannah and Katherine (mostly in the hair colour)
Lindsay Atherton
Lindsay is a swing - she covers both Hannah and Katherine. I've seen her play Hannah three times, but I've only listened to an audio of her Katherine, not actually seen her.
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The first thing about Lindsay's Katherine is that her costume isn't blue like Bronte and Bobbie's, but is more sombre coloured - also her hair is far more pulled back than the other two. I'd put her as older than the other two Katherine's - but still only in the 17-18 age range. She's also got the really tight blonde curls (Merida curls as I usually refer to them).
Which when you look at her Hannah:
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It's the same dress (skirt/waistcoat - same difference). Trust me I spent way too long looking at seam placement and stripes to double check what anyone with eyes can see.
However - it's not the same outfit - Hannah's shirt has the lace/frills at the cuffs and the collar, while Katherine's is much more functional. Hannah's hair is also pulled "up" to make her a proper grownup - but it's still very clearly the same blonde Merida curls, only tamed by age.
And then there's Mack:
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(Lindsay's Brooklyn Newsie character) We've got the hair continuing - Mack's hair looks like you cut Katherine's hair short then didn't take proper care of it (which for a Brooklyn newsie - tracks), plus there's the continuation of the pinstripes in Mack's shirt.
Imogen Bailey
Finally Imogen Bailey - another swing, who covers Hannah but not Katherine (at least as far as I can tell). I've seen her Hannah once.
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Which has the Hannah elements from the other two actresses, but also is the only brunette, which carries into her Brooklyn Newsie - Stray.
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I just enjoy how the different actresses have the opportunity to make the character their own through costume differences, not just through their acting choices.
It was also a fun experience in person getting to see all the different costumes.
This kinda got away from me.
Anyway - tl:dr - the similarities and differences between the same characters are fun, and nearly as fun as the similarities and differences between the same actress.
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beheworthy · 2 years ago
What is your opinion on Jane's clothes?
I liked them the best in Thor1. Her look had so much personality:
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I don't like the main looks in Thor2, they are very dull and dire and I hate the red boots. I understand the date look is her doing something unlike her but still:
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But the Aesir looks were so good, though they were technically not her looks. They were given to her by Thor's people:
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gif credit - @usershays
And this one in the end is also great:
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So Thor2 is 3/5.
I like all her looks in Thor4: the suited-up look, all the looks in the flashback sequence (the black dress, the striped tank top, the checked shirt, the hot pants/denim shorts, the coats, the 'New York' tee - all great). This is my absolute favorite, of course:
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I don't particularly like the top in the hospital scene with Darcy but I'll give it a pass. And then there is this abomination:
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I just???? What is this man's obsession with double jackets and depressed purple tees???? Is this a motif? Are you trying to tell us something, Waititi? Jesus! Thor and Jane in those looks look like they're trying to emulate Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.
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riptide-if · 1 year ago
What are the fashion senses of the ROs? What do they wear on a day to day basis?
ANON. im seriously so glad u asked u dont understand.im actually going to attatch the long descs i wrote of their everyday outfit (like in a vn..) also theres more fashion/makeup inspo on their boards on my pinterest! there's also boards for bg charas on there:33 so if u r interested in lee's band or aria there u go;p
HILO: an orange tank top with a ruffle trim paired with an off white maxi skirt. A pair of dark brown double strap sandals are on their feet. A gold ring with an infinity symbol is on the pointer finger on their right hand, accompanied by two thick threaded bracelets; the first one being yellow and orange, and the other [MC fave color] and orange. They have long almond shaped acrylic nails; colors varying. They tend to get a new set every three weeks. They wear a pair of orange bead earrings with a gold moon charm on the left ear and a gold star charm on the right ear. A pair of gold hoop earrings goes through their upper lobes in both ears.
LEE: a black shirt that’s cropped just above their stomach, with a graphic of a black skull outlined with white. A black zip-up hoodie is either halfway zipped up, tied around their waist, or discarded. A black and grey striped fingerless glove is covering one hand the other is covered in an assortments of rings including a silver skull ring and a silver ring with a red garnet stone, gifted to them by MC on their one year anniversary. Elijah wears short black cargo shorts while Elaine wears a black cargo miniskirt. They both have (optional) distressed tights underneath them. They wear two black earrings on each upper ear, a pair of silver skull earrings, two black rings on their lips, silver eyebrow stud piercing, silver septum piercing, and a silver star shaped tongue ring.
NOEMIA/NIKITA: a white long sleeved compression shirt is worn underneath a yellow, purple, and white color block windbreaker; either unzipped or balled up and put in their bag. A pair of black athletic shorts with a white adidas logos in the corner is covering their legs. They normally carry a yellow crossbody bag with an assortment of different pins on it (bisexual flag, mang, surfboard, bmo, spiderman, no pain no gain, shark, pufferfish, wave). They wear a pair of green pair of star skate shoes over a pair of colored socks; always mismatched. An anklet with white beads is around their right leg, a similar one with teal beads underneath it. A gold ring with a white teardrop shaped opal ring given to them by their grandma sits on a leather chain around their neck. Two to three hair ties are always around their wrists.
ARLO: an untucked white short sleeved t-shirt is usually worn under his rotation of lightly colored button ups, sweater vests and cardigans. A pair of light denim overalls is over it; with some barely visible paint stains here and there. He wears a pair of black oxford shoes with this. On his wrists are a few braided leather bracelets. He wears a gold vintage coin necklace around his neck along with matching small gold hoop earrings. A thing elastic headband is sometimes holding back his bangs while he works.
as for key words in my notes i have; hilo is whimsical, lee is emo (lol), n is sporty, and arlo is cozy!
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aayatunnisa · 2 years ago
I would like to propose a new clothing style/aesthetic: introducing ‘Sundaycore’
Mostly based on my own style, but here are some of examples of what I envision sundaycore looks like (for people with varying moods, many aesthetics, who contain multitudes like me): 
My preference is mostly androgynous and modest, and mostly encompass 3 aesthetics: classic academia, 90s artsy/plant mom, and cool grandmacore. 
- long plain shirts in solid colours or classic neutral tones
- also long checkered/plaid/stripes shirts
- long coats (I’m talking trench, pea, double-breasted, all of them)
- blazers (and and all, bonus if vintage/thrifted)
- pullovers and turtlenecks
- sweaters and vests 
- creams, khakis, browns
- muted colours
- overalls (denim, corduroy, etc)
- loose blouses
- button up shirts
- boatline tops 
- thin stripes on shirts 
- long skirts
- high-waisted jeans
- colourful shirts (geometric shapes)
- mom jeans!!
Have suggestions? Drop ‘em in the comments!
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styleatacertainage · 1 year ago
Talbots New Arrivals – Blue Blazer
Guess who’s singing the blues today thanks to this gorgeous double-breasted blue blazer and striped blouse. Y’all know I love to don a pair of white denim 365 days a year, and this straight-leg pair goes perfectly with the button-up and blazer combo. Everyone needs a style uniform that can be assembled in minutes and have you leave the house in confidence. Whenever I’m short on time, I always…
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multiverse-edge-slobs · 2 years ago
One evening night at New York City, April’s Apartment, An 5' 1" (1.55 m), Ginger hair, blue eyes young-looking 16 years old girl, April O’Neil, April wearing yellow number “5” sport shirt with elbow-length black sleeves, black leggings, blue denim shorts, double-blue-striped white high socks and black low-heeled boots. April was sitting down on her Recliner Single Sofa Lounger Chair and were about to read her “Space Heroes” comic while waiting for her roommate, Karai came home from Shopping
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After 3 hours Karai returned home, almost getting stuck in the doorframe and walked into the apartment placing her shopping bags on the floor. “April im back, ya know all you do is read or watch tv, you gotta get out more buddy”
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cleverhottubmiracle · 27 days ago
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With a new year comes a fresh wave of fashion trends, and 2025 is already shaping up to be an exciting mix of timeless style and bold new statements. While some trends will be natural evolutions of what we’ve been loving, others might just surprise you. Whether you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or just curious about what’s next, I’m breaking down the key fashion trends to watch this year that are wearable, stylish, and easy to incorporate into everyday life. Before we dive in, a quick note—trends exist on a spectrum and rarely change overnight. Instead, they come and go gradually over a period of years, evolving rather than disappearing entirely. The idea of styles being strictly “in” or “out” is becoming outdated, and at the end of the day, personal style always trumps trends. That said, staying aware of what’s fresh can be a great way to keep your wardrobe feeling current. This list isn’t meant to be an exhaustive rundown of every 2025 trend, but rather a look at some fun, wearable ways to update your existing wardrobe—take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and most importantly, make them your own! 11 Wearable Trends to Know (and Try) This Year I’ve been keeping an eye on my favorite retailers and diving into the latest trend reports, and these are 11 wearable fashion trends I think are worth knowing about this year! #1. Boat Shoes: The Preppy Classic Returns photo credit: Evereve Boat shoes might just be the biggest trend of the year—and they seemingly came out of nowhere. You can go full-on preppy with a striped polo and trousers, keep it casual with a tee and your favorite jeans (or shorts when summer rolls around), or even pair them with a frilly spring dress for a fun contrast. The classic Sperry Top-Sider is leading the way, but I’m loving this Reformation pair for a more subtle take… and her outfit is perfection. That’s definitely how I’ll be styling mine. #2. Pintuck Details: A Tailored Touch photo credit: Nordstrom We’re seeing a major style shift toward a more elegant and refined aesthetic, and pintuck details are a perfect example. They’re popping up everywhere—on shorts, pants, and even jeans—adding a subtle, tailored touch. I’m also noticing longer shorts making a comeback, which I know many of you will be happy to hear! 3. Colorful Sneakers: A Pop of Fun photo credit: Anthropologie Fashion sneakers aren’t going anywhere in 2025, but I’m noticing a shift from classic white and neutral tones to bolder, more colorful styles. While neutrals will always have a place, vibrant sneakers are popping up everywhere. If you’re looking for an easy way to refresh your look this year, a pair of colorful fashion sneakers is a great place to start! #4. Canadian Tuxedo: Denim on Denim photo credit: Aritzia Denim on denim—aka the Canadian tuxedo—is carrying over from 2024, and I’m seeing it more and more. If you’ve been hesitant to try this trend (like I have), now might be the perfect time to give it a go! #5. Buckle Details: Chic, Sleek & Strappy photo credit: Evereve Buckle details on flats and pumps—especially double-strap and asymmetrical styles—are one of the newer footwear trends I’m noticing. These subtle yet stylish accents add a polished, slightly vintage-inspired touch to classic silhouettes. Whether you prefer a delicate Mary Jane or a bold, modern take, buckled shoes are an easy way to elevate your look this year. #6. Shades of Pink: Blush to Bold photo credit: Nordstrom Pink is still going strong in 2025, but instead of last year’s Barbiecore brights, we’re seeing a wider range of shades—from soft blush and dusty rose to deeper berry tones. Whether you go all in with a monochrome look or add just a pop of pink, it’s an easy way to bring a fresh, feminine touch to your wardrobe. #7. Belts: A Polished Finishing Touch photo credit: Tuckernuck Belts are back in a big way for 2025, especially when it comes to completing a look with jeans or trousers. Instead of blending in, they’re making more of a statement—studded styles, croc-embossed textures, and wider silhouettes are all trending. Whether you opt for something sleek and polished or a belt with a little edge, it’s a simple way to pull an outfit together and add interest to your everyday denim. #8. Animal Print: Back in the Spotlight photo credit: Evereve Animal prints are having a moment again. While they’ve always been a classic, they haven’t been as popular in recent years—but that’s changing fast. And it’s not just leopard this time; tiger, cheetah, and zebra prints are all making a statement. While you can wear them however you like, some of the chicest street style looks pair them with classic basics—think black, white, cream, and other muted tones—to let the print take center stage. #9. East-West Bags: Sleek & Modern photo credit: DeMellier I love a good handbag trend, and East-West bags are one of the most stylish updates this year. These slim, oblong bags bring a refined, modern touch to any outfit. Whether you choose a structured version or a softer silhouette, it’s an easy way to elevate your everyday look. #10. Button Details: The Little Detail That Pops photo credit: LOFT Buttons are making a statement this year, adding a refined touch to even the simplest pieces. I’m noticing them especially on sleeves and shoulders, as well as gold and silver buttons on cardigans that really stand out. It’s a subtle but stylish way to elevate everyday basics with a little extra detail. #11. Embellished Denim: Denim, But Make It Extra photo credit: Veronica Beard This is not my favorite of the 2025 Fashion Trends, but it’s definitely one worth mentioning. Denim is getting a bold upgrade this year with embellished details taking center stage. From beading and rhinestones to embroidery and studs, these extra touches add a fresh, statement-making twist to classic jeans and jackets. If you’re looking for a fun way to switch up your denim, this is the trend to try! So, what do you think—are there any trends you’re excited to try this year? Or are there some you’ll be sitting out? I’d love to hear which ones you’re into and how you’d style them! Stay In Touch If you liked this post, be sure you’re signed up for my email newsletter. In addition to my most recent blog posts, you’ll receive exclusive newsletter content like special sales, my newest favorite finds, and an occasional peek behind the scenes — all delivered right to your inbox. I would also love for you to join my JLS Fashion Insiders Facebook Group! This is a friendly place to discuss all matters of fashion and style with other women, share your outfits, get advice, and stay up to date on all the happenings in our community. Source link
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norajworld · 27 days ago
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With a new year comes a fresh wave of fashion trends, and 2025 is already shaping up to be an exciting mix of timeless style and bold new statements. While some trends will be natural evolutions of what we’ve been loving, others might just surprise you. Whether you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or just curious about what’s next, I’m breaking down the key fashion trends to watch this year that are wearable, stylish, and easy to incorporate into everyday life. Before we dive in, a quick note—trends exist on a spectrum and rarely change overnight. Instead, they come and go gradually over a period of years, evolving rather than disappearing entirely. The idea of styles being strictly “in” or “out” is becoming outdated, and at the end of the day, personal style always trumps trends. That said, staying aware of what’s fresh can be a great way to keep your wardrobe feeling current. This list isn’t meant to be an exhaustive rundown of every 2025 trend, but rather a look at some fun, wearable ways to update your existing wardrobe—take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and most importantly, make them your own! 11 Wearable Trends to Know (and Try) This Year I’ve been keeping an eye on my favorite retailers and diving into the latest trend reports, and these are 11 wearable fashion trends I think are worth knowing about this year! #1. Boat Shoes: The Preppy Classic Returns photo credit: Evereve Boat shoes might just be the biggest trend of the year—and they seemingly came out of nowhere. You can go full-on preppy with a striped polo and trousers, keep it casual with a tee and your favorite jeans (or shorts when summer rolls around), or even pair them with a frilly spring dress for a fun contrast. The classic Sperry Top-Sider is leading the way, but I’m loving this Reformation pair for a more subtle take… and her outfit is perfection. That’s definitely how I’ll be styling mine. #2. Pintuck Details: A Tailored Touch photo credit: Nordstrom We’re seeing a major style shift toward a more elegant and refined aesthetic, and pintuck details are a perfect example. They’re popping up everywhere—on shorts, pants, and even jeans—adding a subtle, tailored touch. I’m also noticing longer shorts making a comeback, which I know many of you will be happy to hear! 3. Colorful Sneakers: A Pop of Fun photo credit: Anthropologie Fashion sneakers aren’t going anywhere in 2025, but I’m noticing a shift from classic white and neutral tones to bolder, more colorful styles. While neutrals will always have a place, vibrant sneakers are popping up everywhere. If you’re looking for an easy way to refresh your look this year, a pair of colorful fashion sneakers is a great place to start! #4. Canadian Tuxedo: Denim on Denim photo credit: Aritzia Denim on denim—aka the Canadian tuxedo—is carrying over from 2024, and I’m seeing it more and more. If you’ve been hesitant to try this trend (like I have), now might be the perfect time to give it a go! #5. Buckle Details: Chic, Sleek & Strappy photo credit: Evereve Buckle details on flats and pumps—especially double-strap and asymmetrical styles—are one of the newer footwear trends I’m noticing. These subtle yet stylish accents add a polished, slightly vintage-inspired touch to classic silhouettes. Whether you prefer a delicate Mary Jane or a bold, modern take, buckled shoes are an easy way to elevate your look this year. #6. Shades of Pink: Blush to Bold photo credit: Nordstrom Pink is still going strong in 2025, but instead of last year’s Barbiecore brights, we’re seeing a wider range of shades—from soft blush and dusty rose to deeper berry tones. Whether you go all in with a monochrome look or add just a pop of pink, it’s an easy way to bring a fresh, feminine touch to your wardrobe. #7. Belts: A Polished Finishing Touch photo credit: Tuckernuck Belts are back in a big way for 2025, especially when it comes to completing a look with jeans or trousers. Instead of blending in, they’re making more of a statement—studded styles, croc-embossed textures, and wider silhouettes are all trending. Whether you opt for something sleek and polished or a belt with a little edge, it’s a simple way to pull an outfit together and add interest to your everyday denim. #8. Animal Print: Back in the Spotlight photo credit: Evereve Animal prints are having a moment again. While they’ve always been a classic, they haven’t been as popular in recent years—but that’s changing fast. And it’s not just leopard this time; tiger, cheetah, and zebra prints are all making a statement. While you can wear them however you like, some of the chicest street style looks pair them with classic basics—think black, white, cream, and other muted tones—to let the print take center stage. #9. East-West Bags: Sleek & Modern photo credit: DeMellier I love a good handbag trend, and East-West bags are one of the most stylish updates this year. These slim, oblong bags bring a refined, modern touch to any outfit. Whether you choose a structured version or a softer silhouette, it’s an easy way to elevate your everyday look. #10. Button Details: The Little Detail That Pops photo credit: LOFT Buttons are making a statement this year, adding a refined touch to even the simplest pieces. I’m noticing them especially on sleeves and shoulders, as well as gold and silver buttons on cardigans that really stand out. It’s a subtle but stylish way to elevate everyday basics with a little extra detail. #11. Embellished Denim: Denim, But Make It Extra photo credit: Veronica Beard This is not my favorite of the 2025 Fashion Trends, but it’s definitely one worth mentioning. Denim is getting a bold upgrade this year with embellished details taking center stage. From beading and rhinestones to embroidery and studs, these extra touches add a fresh, statement-making twist to classic jeans and jackets. If you’re looking for a fun way to switch up your denim, this is the trend to try! So, what do you think—are there any trends you’re excited to try this year? Or are there some you’ll be sitting out? I’d love to hear which ones you’re into and how you’d style them! Stay In Touch If you liked this post, be sure you’re signed up for my email newsletter. In addition to my most recent blog posts, you’ll receive exclusive newsletter content like special sales, my newest favorite finds, and an occasional peek behind the scenes — all delivered right to your inbox. I would also love for you to join my JLS Fashion Insiders Facebook Group! This is a friendly place to discuss all matters of fashion and style with other women, share your outfits, get advice, and stay up to date on all the happenings in our community. Source link
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ellajme0 · 27 days ago
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With a new year comes a fresh wave of fashion trends, and 2025 is already shaping up to be an exciting mix of timeless style and bold new statements. While some trends will be natural evolutions of what we’ve been loving, others might just surprise you. Whether you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or just curious about what’s next, I’m breaking down the key fashion trends to watch this year that are wearable, stylish, and easy to incorporate into everyday life. Before we dive in, a quick note—trends exist on a spectrum and rarely change overnight. Instead, they come and go gradually over a period of years, evolving rather than disappearing entirely. The idea of styles being strictly “in” or “out” is becoming outdated, and at the end of the day, personal style always trumps trends. That said, staying aware of what’s fresh can be a great way to keep your wardrobe feeling current. This list isn’t meant to be an exhaustive rundown of every 2025 trend, but rather a look at some fun, wearable ways to update your existing wardrobe—take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and most importantly, make them your own! 11 Wearable Trends to Know (and Try) This Year I’ve been keeping an eye on my favorite retailers and diving into the latest trend reports, and these are 11 wearable fashion trends I think are worth knowing about this year! #1. Boat Shoes: The Preppy Classic Returns photo credit: Evereve Boat shoes might just be the biggest trend of the year—and they seemingly came out of nowhere. You can go full-on preppy with a striped polo and trousers, keep it casual with a tee and your favorite jeans (or shorts when summer rolls around), or even pair them with a frilly spring dress for a fun contrast. The classic Sperry Top-Sider is leading the way, but I’m loving this Reformation pair for a more subtle take… and her outfit is perfection. That’s definitely how I’ll be styling mine. #2. Pintuck Details: A Tailored Touch photo credit: Nordstrom We’re seeing a major style shift toward a more elegant and refined aesthetic, and pintuck details are a perfect example. They’re popping up everywhere—on shorts, pants, and even jeans—adding a subtle, tailored touch. I’m also noticing longer shorts making a comeback, which I know many of you will be happy to hear! 3. Colorful Sneakers: A Pop of Fun photo credit: Anthropologie Fashion sneakers aren’t going anywhere in 2025, but I’m noticing a shift from classic white and neutral tones to bolder, more colorful styles. While neutrals will always have a place, vibrant sneakers are popping up everywhere. If you’re looking for an easy way to refresh your look this year, a pair of colorful fashion sneakers is a great place to start! #4. Canadian Tuxedo: Denim on Denim photo credit: Aritzia Denim on denim—aka the Canadian tuxedo—is carrying over from 2024, and I’m seeing it more and more. If you’ve been hesitant to try this trend (like I have), now might be the perfect time to give it a go! #5. Buckle Details: Chic, Sleek & Strappy photo credit: Evereve Buckle details on flats and pumps—especially double-strap and asymmetrical styles—are one of the newer footwear trends I’m noticing. These subtle yet stylish accents add a polished, slightly vintage-inspired touch to classic silhouettes. Whether you prefer a delicate Mary Jane or a bold, modern take, buckled shoes are an easy way to elevate your look this year. #6. Shades of Pink: Blush to Bold photo credit: Nordstrom Pink is still going strong in 2025, but instead of last year’s Barbiecore brights, we’re seeing a wider range of shades—from soft blush and dusty rose to deeper berry tones. Whether you go all in with a monochrome look or add just a pop of pink, it’s an easy way to bring a fresh, feminine touch to your wardrobe. #7. Belts: A Polished Finishing Touch photo credit: Tuckernuck Belts are back in a big way for 2025, especially when it comes to completing a look with jeans or trousers. Instead of blending in, they’re making more of a statement—studded styles, croc-embossed textures, and wider silhouettes are all trending. Whether you opt for something sleek and polished or a belt with a little edge, it’s a simple way to pull an outfit together and add interest to your everyday denim. #8. Animal Print: Back in the Spotlight photo credit: Evereve Animal prints are having a moment again. While they’ve always been a classic, they haven’t been as popular in recent years—but that’s changing fast. And it’s not just leopard this time; tiger, cheetah, and zebra prints are all making a statement. While you can wear them however you like, some of the chicest street style looks pair them with classic basics—think black, white, cream, and other muted tones—to let the print take center stage. #9. East-West Bags: Sleek & Modern photo credit: DeMellier I love a good handbag trend, and East-West bags are one of the most stylish updates this year. These slim, oblong bags bring a refined, modern touch to any outfit. Whether you choose a structured version or a softer silhouette, it’s an easy way to elevate your everyday look. #10. Button Details: The Little Detail That Pops photo credit: LOFT Buttons are making a statement this year, adding a refined touch to even the simplest pieces. I’m noticing them especially on sleeves and shoulders, as well as gold and silver buttons on cardigans that really stand out. It’s a subtle but stylish way to elevate everyday basics with a little extra detail. #11. Embellished Denim: Denim, But Make It Extra photo credit: Veronica Beard This is not my favorite of the 2025 Fashion Trends, but it’s definitely one worth mentioning. Denim is getting a bold upgrade this year with embellished details taking center stage. From beading and rhinestones to embroidery and studs, these extra touches add a fresh, statement-making twist to classic jeans and jackets. If you’re looking for a fun way to switch up your denim, this is the trend to try! So, what do you think—are there any trends you’re excited to try this year? Or are there some you’ll be sitting out? I’d love to hear which ones you’re into and how you’d style them! Stay In Touch If you liked this post, be sure you’re signed up for my email newsletter. In addition to my most recent blog posts, you’ll receive exclusive newsletter content like special sales, my newest favorite finds, and an occasional peek behind the scenes — all delivered right to your inbox. I would also love for you to join my JLS Fashion Insiders Facebook Group! This is a friendly place to discuss all matters of fashion and style with other women, share your outfits, get advice, and stay up to date on all the happenings in our community. Source link
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chilimili212 · 27 days ago
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With a new year comes a fresh wave of fashion trends, and 2025 is already shaping up to be an exciting mix of timeless style and bold new statements. While some trends will be natural evolutions of what we’ve been loving, others might just surprise you. Whether you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or just curious about what’s next, I’m breaking down the key fashion trends to watch this year that are wearable, stylish, and easy to incorporate into everyday life. Before we dive in, a quick note—trends exist on a spectrum and rarely change overnight. Instead, they come and go gradually over a period of years, evolving rather than disappearing entirely. The idea of styles being strictly “in” or “out” is becoming outdated, and at the end of the day, personal style always trumps trends. That said, staying aware of what’s fresh can be a great way to keep your wardrobe feeling current. This list isn’t meant to be an exhaustive rundown of every 2025 trend, but rather a look at some fun, wearable ways to update your existing wardrobe—take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and most importantly, make them your own! 11 Wearable Trends to Know (and Try) This Year I’ve been keeping an eye on my favorite retailers and diving into the latest trend reports, and these are 11 wearable fashion trends I think are worth knowing about this year! #1. Boat Shoes: The Preppy Classic Returns photo credit: Evereve Boat shoes might just be the biggest trend of the year—and they seemingly came out of nowhere. You can go full-on preppy with a striped polo and trousers, keep it casual with a tee and your favorite jeans (or shorts when summer rolls around), or even pair them with a frilly spring dress for a fun contrast. The classic Sperry Top-Sider is leading the way, but I’m loving this Reformation pair for a more subtle take… and her outfit is perfection. That’s definitely how I’ll be styling mine. #2. Pintuck Details: A Tailored Touch photo credit: Nordstrom We’re seeing a major style shift toward a more elegant and refined aesthetic, and pintuck details are a perfect example. They’re popping up everywhere—on shorts, pants, and even jeans—adding a subtle, tailored touch. I’m also noticing longer shorts making a comeback, which I know many of you will be happy to hear! 3. Colorful Sneakers: A Pop of Fun photo credit: Anthropologie Fashion sneakers aren’t going anywhere in 2025, but I’m noticing a shift from classic white and neutral tones to bolder, more colorful styles. While neutrals will always have a place, vibrant sneakers are popping up everywhere. If you’re looking for an easy way to refresh your look this year, a pair of colorful fashion sneakers is a great place to start! #4. Canadian Tuxedo: Denim on Denim photo credit: Aritzia Denim on denim—aka the Canadian tuxedo—is carrying over from 2024, and I’m seeing it more and more. If you’ve been hesitant to try this trend (like I have), now might be the perfect time to give it a go! #5. Buckle Details: Chic, Sleek & Strappy photo credit: Evereve Buckle details on flats and pumps—especially double-strap and asymmetrical styles—are one of the newer footwear trends I’m noticing. These subtle yet stylish accents add a polished, slightly vintage-inspired touch to classic silhouettes. Whether you prefer a delicate Mary Jane or a bold, modern take, buckled shoes are an easy way to elevate your look this year. #6. Shades of Pink: Blush to Bold photo credit: Nordstrom Pink is still going strong in 2025, but instead of last year’s Barbiecore brights, we’re seeing a wider range of shades—from soft blush and dusty rose to deeper berry tones. Whether you go all in with a monochrome look or add just a pop of pink, it’s an easy way to bring a fresh, feminine touch to your wardrobe. #7. Belts: A Polished Finishing Touch photo credit: Tuckernuck Belts are back in a big way for 2025, especially when it comes to completing a look with jeans or trousers. Instead of blending in, they’re making more of a statement—studded styles, croc-embossed textures, and wider silhouettes are all trending. Whether you opt for something sleek and polished or a belt with a little edge, it’s a simple way to pull an outfit together and add interest to your everyday denim. #8. Animal Print: Back in the Spotlight photo credit: Evereve Animal prints are having a moment again. While they’ve always been a classic, they haven’t been as popular in recent years—but that’s changing fast. And it’s not just leopard this time; tiger, cheetah, and zebra prints are all making a statement. While you can wear them however you like, some of the chicest street style looks pair them with classic basics—think black, white, cream, and other muted tones—to let the print take center stage. #9. East-West Bags: Sleek & Modern photo credit: DeMellier I love a good handbag trend, and East-West bags are one of the most stylish updates this year. These slim, oblong bags bring a refined, modern touch to any outfit. Whether you choose a structured version or a softer silhouette, it’s an easy way to elevate your everyday look. #10. Button Details: The Little Detail That Pops photo credit: LOFT Buttons are making a statement this year, adding a refined touch to even the simplest pieces. I’m noticing them especially on sleeves and shoulders, as well as gold and silver buttons on cardigans that really stand out. It’s a subtle but stylish way to elevate everyday basics with a little extra detail. #11. Embellished Denim: Denim, But Make It Extra photo credit: Veronica Beard This is not my favorite of the 2025 Fashion Trends, but it’s definitely one worth mentioning. Denim is getting a bold upgrade this year with embellished details taking center stage. From beading and rhinestones to embroidery and studs, these extra touches add a fresh, statement-making twist to classic jeans and jackets. If you’re looking for a fun way to switch up your denim, this is the trend to try! So, what do you think—are there any trends you’re excited to try this year? Or are there some you’ll be sitting out? I’d love to hear which ones you’re into and how you’d style them! Stay In Touch If you liked this post, be sure you’re signed up for my email newsletter. In addition to my most recent blog posts, you’ll receive exclusive newsletter content like special sales, my newest favorite finds, and an occasional peek behind the scenes — all delivered right to your inbox. I would also love for you to join my JLS Fashion Insiders Facebook Group! This is a friendly place to discuss all matters of fashion and style with other women, share your outfits, get advice, and stay up to date on all the happenings in our community. Source link
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oliviajoyice21 · 27 days ago
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With a new year comes a fresh wave of fashion trends, and 2025 is already shaping up to be an exciting mix of timeless style and bold new statements. While some trends will be natural evolutions of what we’ve been loving, others might just surprise you. Whether you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or just curious about what’s next, I’m breaking down the key fashion trends to watch this year that are wearable, stylish, and easy to incorporate into everyday life. Before we dive in, a quick note—trends exist on a spectrum and rarely change overnight. Instead, they come and go gradually over a period of years, evolving rather than disappearing entirely. The idea of styles being strictly “in” or “out” is becoming outdated, and at the end of the day, personal style always trumps trends. That said, staying aware of what’s fresh can be a great way to keep your wardrobe feeling current. This list isn’t meant to be an exhaustive rundown of every 2025 trend, but rather a look at some fun, wearable ways to update your existing wardrobe—take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and most importantly, make them your own! 11 Wearable Trends to Know (and Try) This Year I’ve been keeping an eye on my favorite retailers and diving into the latest trend reports, and these are 11 wearable fashion trends I think are worth knowing about this year! #1. Boat Shoes: The Preppy Classic Returns photo credit: Evereve Boat shoes might just be the biggest trend of the year—and they seemingly came out of nowhere. You can go full-on preppy with a striped polo and trousers, keep it casual with a tee and your favorite jeans (or shorts when summer rolls around), or even pair them with a frilly spring dress for a fun contrast. The classic Sperry Top-Sider is leading the way, but I’m loving this Reformation pair for a more subtle take… and her outfit is perfection. That’s definitely how I’ll be styling mine. #2. Pintuck Details: A Tailored Touch photo credit: Nordstrom We’re seeing a major style shift toward a more elegant and refined aesthetic, and pintuck details are a perfect example. They’re popping up everywhere—on shorts, pants, and even jeans—adding a subtle, tailored touch. I’m also noticing longer shorts making a comeback, which I know many of you will be happy to hear! 3. Colorful Sneakers: A Pop of Fun photo credit: Anthropologie Fashion sneakers aren’t going anywhere in 2025, but I’m noticing a shift from classic white and neutral tones to bolder, more colorful styles. While neutrals will always have a place, vibrant sneakers are popping up everywhere. If you’re looking for an easy way to refresh your look this year, a pair of colorful fashion sneakers is a great place to start! #4. Canadian Tuxedo: Denim on Denim photo credit: Aritzia Denim on denim—aka the Canadian tuxedo—is carrying over from 2024, and I’m seeing it more and more. If you’ve been hesitant to try this trend (like I have), now might be the perfect time to give it a go! #5. Buckle Details: Chic, Sleek & Strappy photo credit: Evereve Buckle details on flats and pumps—especially double-strap and asymmetrical styles—are one of the newer footwear trends I’m noticing. These subtle yet stylish accents add a polished, slightly vintage-inspired touch to classic silhouettes. Whether you prefer a delicate Mary Jane or a bold, modern take, buckled shoes are an easy way to elevate your look this year. #6. Shades of Pink: Blush to Bold photo credit: Nordstrom Pink is still going strong in 2025, but instead of last year’s Barbiecore brights, we’re seeing a wider range of shades—from soft blush and dusty rose to deeper berry tones. Whether you go all in with a monochrome look or add just a pop of pink, it’s an easy way to bring a fresh, feminine touch to your wardrobe. #7. Belts: A Polished Finishing Touch photo credit: Tuckernuck Belts are back in a big way for 2025, especially when it comes to completing a look with jeans or trousers. Instead of blending in, they’re making more of a statement—studded styles, croc-embossed textures, and wider silhouettes are all trending. Whether you opt for something sleek and polished or a belt with a little edge, it’s a simple way to pull an outfit together and add interest to your everyday denim. #8. Animal Print: Back in the Spotlight photo credit: Evereve Animal prints are having a moment again. While they’ve always been a classic, they haven’t been as popular in recent years—but that’s changing fast. And it’s not just leopard this time; tiger, cheetah, and zebra prints are all making a statement. While you can wear them however you like, some of the chicest street style looks pair them with classic basics—think black, white, cream, and other muted tones—to let the print take center stage. #9. East-West Bags: Sleek & Modern photo credit: DeMellier I love a good handbag trend, and East-West bags are one of the most stylish updates this year. These slim, oblong bags bring a refined, modern touch to any outfit. Whether you choose a structured version or a softer silhouette, it’s an easy way to elevate your everyday look. #10. Button Details: The Little Detail That Pops photo credit: LOFT Buttons are making a statement this year, adding a refined touch to even the simplest pieces. I’m noticing them especially on sleeves and shoulders, as well as gold and silver buttons on cardigans that really stand out. It’s a subtle but stylish way to elevate everyday basics with a little extra detail. #11. Embellished Denim: Denim, But Make It Extra photo credit: Veronica Beard This is not my favorite of the 2025 Fashion Trends, but it’s definitely one worth mentioning. Denim is getting a bold upgrade this year with embellished details taking center stage. From beading and rhinestones to embroidery and studs, these extra touches add a fresh, statement-making twist to classic jeans and jackets. If you’re looking for a fun way to switch up your denim, this is the trend to try! So, what do you think—are there any trends you’re excited to try this year? Or are there some you’ll be sitting out? I’d love to hear which ones you’re into and how you’d style them! Stay In Touch If you liked this post, be sure you’re signed up for my email newsletter. In addition to my most recent blog posts, you’ll receive exclusive newsletter content like special sales, my newest favorite finds, and an occasional peek behind the scenes — all delivered right to your inbox. I would also love for you to join my JLS Fashion Insiders Facebook Group! This is a friendly place to discuss all matters of fashion and style with other women, share your outfits, get advice, and stay up to date on all the happenings in our community. Source link
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dresshunters · 3 months ago
7 Fashion Rules to Break for a Bold New Look
✨ Fashion is about expressing your individuality, not following rules. Some traditional style “don’ts” are meant to be broken, allowing you to create bold, trendsetting looks. Ready to challenge the norm? Here are seven fashion rules you should start breaking today! ✨
1. Don’t Mix Prints
🌟 Why Break It? Mixing prints adds energy and creativity to your look.
How to Do It: Pair polka dots with stripes or florals with animal prints.
Style Tip: Keep the color palette cohesive for a balanced look.
2. No White After Labor Day
🌟 Why Break It? White works year-round when styled correctly.
How to Do It: Wear winter whites with cozy knits and boots for a chic cold-weather look.
Style Tip: Opt for textured fabrics like wool or cashmere to make white seasonally appropriate.
3. Avoid Double Denim
🌟 Why Break It? Denim-on-denim is trendy and effortlessly cool.
How to Do It: Pair different shades of denim, like a light chambray shirt with dark jeans.
Style Tip: Add a statement accessory like a bold belt or bag to break up the look.
4. Shoes and Bag Must Match
🌟 Why Break It? Mixing colors adds character and modern flair.
How to Do It: Pair bold shoes with a neutral bag or vice versa.
Style Tip: Use complementary colors for a polished yet playful vibe.
5. Always Dress Your Age
🌟 Why Break It? Wear what makes you feel good, regardless of trends or age norms.
How to Do It: Mix youthful pieces with classic staples for a balanced look.
Style Tip: Confidence is the best accessory—wear it proudly!
6. Don’t Wear Bold Colors Together
🌟 Why Break It? Color blocking makes any outfit stand out.
How to Do It: Pair bright pink with orange, or yellow with purple.
Style Tip: Use accessories in neutral tones to tone down bold combinations if needed.
7. Stick to One Statement Piece
🌟 Why Break It? Layering multiple bold pieces can create a striking, editorial-worthy look.
How to Do It: Combine statement earrings with a printed dress and standout shoes.
Style Tip: Let the pieces complement each other without overwhelming your look.
✨ Fashion is all about breaking boundaries and discovering what works for you. Embrace your personal style and have fun with your wardrobe—these rules are meant to be broken! Reblog and share your favorite fashion risks with the community. ✨
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chocolatedetectivehottub · 3 months ago
Plus Size Printed Shirts,
Plus Size Printed Shirts,
When it comes to fashion, inclusivity and comfort are just as important as style. Plus size printed shirts have become a wardrobe staple for those who want to express themselves with vibrant patterns and unique designs while enjoying a flattering fit. Whether you’re dressing up for a formal event or keeping it casual, printed shirts offer endless possibilities to showcase your personality. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the world of plus size printed shirts and find the perfect picks for your style.
Why Choose Plus Size Printed Shirts?
Versatility in Style Printed shirts are incredibly versatile. Whether you prefer bold florals, geometric patterns, or abstract designs, there’s something for every taste. They can transition seamlessly from casual outings to semi-formal events with the right pairings.
Flattering Designs Modern plus size shirts are tailored to enhance your body’s natural shape. Many designs feature thoughtful details like strategic seam placements, adjustable fits, and fabrics that drape beautifully.
Expression of Personality Prints are a fantastic way to express your individuality. From tropical themes to classic stripes and animal prints, your shirt can reflect your mood or the occasion.
Comfort is Key Made with soft, breathable fabrics like cotton, rayon, and blends, these shirts prioritize comfort without compromising on style.
Popular Styles in Plus Size Printed Shirts
Floral Prints Timeless and feminine, floral prints add a touch of elegance to your outfit. Pair them with neutral trousers or skirts for a balanced look.
Abstract Designs For those who love modern art-inspired patterns, abstract prints are the way to go. They work well for creative and casual settings.
Stripes and Plaids Classics like stripes and plaid never go out of fashion. Opt for vertical stripes for a slimming effect, or layer a plaid shirt over a plain tee for a laid-back vibe.
Tropical and Nature Themes Perfect for vacations or summer outings, tropical prints like palm leaves and sunsets bring a cheerful and relaxed feel to your wardrobe.
Animal Prints For a bold and edgy look, animal prints like leopard, snake, or zebra patterns are excellent choices.
Tips for Styling Plus Size Printed Shirts
Keep Balance in Mind If your shirt features a busy print, pair it with solid-colored bottoms to avoid overwhelming the outfit. A black skirt, white pants, or denim jeans are safe bets.
Layer Strategically Throw on a blazer, cardigan, or denim jacket over a printed shirt for added sophistication and structure.
Choose the Right Fit Ensure your shirt fits well across the shoulders and bust. Opt for slightly longer hemlines for a more streamlined appearance.
Accessorize Thoughtfully Let your printed shirt shine by choosing subtle accessories. A statement necklace or a bold pair of earrings can enhance the look without clashing.
Experiment with Colors Don’t shy away from bold and vibrant hues! Printed shirts are your playground to explore new color palettes and combinations.
Shopping Tips for Plus Size Printed Shirts
Focus on Fabric Look for breathable and stretchy materials that keep you comfortable all day.
Consider Your Body Shape Choose patterns that complement your silhouette. For instance, vertical prints can elongate the frame, while smaller prints offer a delicate touch.
Check for Quality Ensure the prints are high-quality and won’t fade after a few washes. Double-check stitching and seams for durability.
Inclusive Brands Explore brands that cater specifically to plus size fashion, such as Torrid, Lane Bryant, or ASOS Curve, which offer stylish and diverse options.
Final Thoughts
Plus size printed shirts are a celebration of style, confidence, and comfort. They’re perfect for anyone who loves to experiment with fashion while staying true to their personality. Whether you’re attending a family brunch, a day at the beach, or an office meeting, there’s a printed shirt that’s perfect for the occasion. So, embrace the vibrant world of prints and step out in confidence!
What’s your go-to style in plus size printed shirts? Share your favorites and get inspired!
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modaista69 · 4 months ago
Trendy Women's Clothing: Embrace Style, Confidence, and Versatility
Fashion is an ever-evolving form of self-expression, and for women, trendy clothing is an exciting way to stay on top of the latest styles while showcasing personal flair. From runway-inspired looks to streetwear vibes, trendy women’s clothing offers a wide variety of options for every occasion, body type, and lifestyle. With fashion constantly shifting, it can be challenging to keep up with trends, but it’s all about striking the right balance between contemporary pieces and timeless classics.
In this article, we’ll explore the latest trends in women’s clothing, how to incorporate them into your wardrobe, and how to make them your own with a personal touch.
The Rise of Trendy Women’s Clothing
Women’s fashion has come a long way in recent years, embracing diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability. What was once dictated solely by the fashion elite is now shaped by social media influencers, everyday fashionistas, and diverse cultural movements. The rise of digital platforms has made it easier than ever to discover new styles, from Instagram posts to TikTok videos, creating a global community of style inspiration.
Trendy clothing today is about versatility and self-expression. Whether you’re aiming for a polished, sophisticated look or a more casual, street-chic vibe, the options are endless. The key is to focus on pieces that speak to your personality, fit well, and make you feel confident.
Key Trends in Trendy Women’s Clothing
Tailored, Power Suits The power suit is back and better than ever. Tailored suits, once reserved for corporate offices, have become a versatile and fashionable choice for women across the world. From double-breasted blazers to oversized trousers, this trend offers a modern take on sophistication. Wear it as part of a matching set for a polished look, or break it up by pairing the blazer with jeans or a skirt for a more casual outfit. Neutral colors like black, navy, and grey are timeless, while pastel hues and bold patterns bring a fresh twist.
Sustainability Takes Center Stage Sustainable fashion is no longer a niche market but has become a central trend in women’s clothing. As consumers become more conscious of the environmental impact of fast fashion, brands are responding by producing eco-friendly, ethically sourced apparel. This includes using organic fabrics, recycled materials, and sustainable production practices. From organic cotton basics to eco-friendly outerwear, sustainable clothing allows women to embrace trendy styles while making more mindful fashion choices. Pair these eco-conscious pieces with minimalist accessories for a chic, responsible look.
Athleisure and Sporty Chic Athleisure continues to be one of the most enduring trends in women’s fashion. The combination of sporty and stylish, athleisure has evolved far beyond the gym. High-waisted leggings, sleek joggers, and oversized sweatshirts are now wardrobe staples. Pair them with trendy sneakers, statement jackets, and functional accessories for an effortlessly cool, street-style look. Athleisure is all about comfort without sacrificing style, making it the go-to choice for many women who want to look fashionable while feeling at ease.
Bold Prints and Colors If you’re someone who loves to stand out, bold prints and vibrant colors are a must-have in your trendy wardrobe. This season, animal prints, florals, and geometric patterns are making waves. Whether it’s a leopard print dress, a snake-print handbag, or a bold striped sweater, adding statement prints to your wardrobe is an easy way to make a fashionable impact. Similarly, bright, saturated colors like fuchsia, electric blue, and neon green are trending, allowing you to inject a dose of energy into your outfits. For those who prefer a more subtle look, color blocking—mixing contrasting hues in a single outfit—can make for an eye-catching but balanced look.
The Return of Denim Denim has always been a staple in women’s wardrobes, but this season, it's been reimagined with new cuts, washes, and finishes. From oversized jackets and wide-leg jeans to vintage-inspired high-waisted styles, denim is experiencing a revival. Denim skirts and dresses are also making a comeback, giving women a chance to mix things up with casual yet stylish pieces. Distressed denim and frayed hems are still popular, adding a laid-back, lived-in vibe to your look.
Maxi Dresses and Skirts Maxi dresses and skirts are another trendy must-have for this season. The flowy, bohemian look has been reimagined with sleek, modern touches. Maxi dresses in bold prints or solid neutrals can be dressed up with heels or worn casually with sneakers. They’re perfect for summer but also easy to layer in cooler months with a chunky sweater or jacket. This trend embraces comfort and elegance in equal measure, offering a chic and versatile wardrobe option for various occasions.
Statement Sleeves This trend takes inspiration from the dramatic fashion styles of the past, but with a modern twist. Statement sleeves, such as puffed shoulders, bishop sleeves, and bell sleeves, add a touch of drama and flair to an outfit. Whether it’s a blouse, dress, or even a coat, statement sleeves can make an ordinary piece of clothing feel extraordinary. Pair a voluminous sleeve top with slim-fitting pants or a pencil skirt to balance out the silhouette and create a striking look.
How to Incorporate Trendy Clothing Into Your Wardrobe
While keeping up with trends is fun, the key to building a wardrobe that feels stylish and cohesive is mixing trendy pieces with timeless classics. Here are a few tips on how to incorporate trendy women’s clothing into your wardrobe:
Start with Basics: Begin by investing in high-quality basics that never go out of style, such as a white button-down shirt, a tailored blazer, or a pair of black jeans. These pieces can be easily mixed with trendy items to create fresh looks.
Experiment with Accessories: Accessories are a great way to experiment with trends without committing to a whole new wardrobe. Statement bags, bold jewelry, and trendy shoes can quickly elevate any outfit.
Don’t Be Afraid to Mix Styles: Combining trendy pieces with your personal style is key. For example, pair a flowy maxi skirt with a casual graphic tee for a laid-back yet fashionable look, or wear a power suit with sneakers for a street-chic vibe.
Trendy women’s clothing is all about embracing the latest styles while staying true to your personal taste. From tailored suits to sustainable fabrics and bold prints, there are endless ways to express
yourself through fashion. The key is to mix trendy items with timeless basics, allowing your wardrobe to remain fresh and versatile while maintaining a sense of individuality. Whether you're drawn to athleisure or love experimenting with statement sleeves, the world of trendy women's clothing offers something for every woman to enjoy. Stay confident, stay stylish, and wear what makes you feel your best!
1. How can I incorporate trendy pieces into my existing wardrobe? To seamlessly add trendy pieces to your wardrobe, start by mixing them with classic, timeless items you already own. For example, pair a bold patterned blouse with your favorite jeans or a statement jacket over a neutral dress. Accessories are also a great way to experiment with trends without committing to a whole new look. Trendy bags, shoes, or scarves can instantly elevate any outfit.
2. What are the most versatile trendy pieces that can be worn year-round? Some of the most versatile trendy pieces include tailored blazers, high-waisted trousers, midi skirts, and maxi dresses. These can be worn in multiple seasons by layering them appropriately. For example, a blazer can be worn over a t-shirt in summer or layered with a sweater in winter, making it a year-round wardrobe essential.
3. Are sustainable trends really worth the investment? Yes, investing in sustainable trends is not only good for the environment but also for your wardrobe. Sustainable clothing is often made from high-quality materials, ensuring longevity and durability. By choosing eco-friendly options, you’re not only staying on trend but also supporting ethical practices and reducing your fashion footprint in the long run.
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